Is Installing a Deck a Smart Home Improvement?

4 Things to Know Before Installing a DeckCurrent homeownership trends show that people want to maximize the space in their homes. For many homeowners, this includes making a living space in their yard, and installing a deck is a common way to achieve this goal. Deck installation is a moderate investment, which means people should be sure that they are making a wise choice. Here’s how homeowners can determine if a deck will make a good home improvement for them.

1. Current Home Improvement Goals

The maintenance and improvement obligations of a homeowner tend to run in a cycle. If they own a property long enough, there is a high chance they will eventually repair or replace most elements of the structure, meaning people often have to prioritize what they want for comfort and convenience and what they need for practical use of the home. Installing a deck tends to be a good choice for homeowners who desire:

  • extra living space
  • more opportunities to enjoy the outdoor property
  • an update that changes the home’s  curb appeal 

With professional installation, deck installation usually takes between a few days and two weeks. Given the need to dig into the ground, it is important to schedule this improvement during milder, dry weather.

2. Budget

As far as home improvement costs are concerned, decks come somewhere in the middle. They are not a huge investment, but homeowners may need to plan some months or a year in advance to pay for it. The price to install a deck runs about $10,000 on average. The total expense is based on a wide variety of factors, including:

  • size
  • materials, such as wood, wood composite, or synthetic
  • extra features, like built-in seating, a firepit, or outdoor kitchen
  • professional installation or a DIY project

Selecting premium upgrades, like exotic hardwoods, can give the deck a luxury look at a higher price. Homeowners who want to be able to use the deck year-round might need to consider something like a sunroom, although this significantly increases the cost.

3. ROI

Because there are usually at least a few items on a homeowner’s improvement list, choosing one with a high return on investment is important. People need to pay attention to their home’s resale value, even if they are not planning to sell the property anytime soon. Selecting improvements, like a new deck, that will increase value makes it easier to get the home ready for sale in the future.

An average deck has a typical ROI of 70-80 percent. The return may rise or fall depending on the total cost. Usually, paying more for a home improvement corresponds with a lower ROI for the upgrade, because buyers have a specific idea of what they are willing to pay for certain amenities in a home. They may not be willing to pay more for expensive materials or added features unless it is considered a necessity for the neighborhood.

4. Upkeep/Repair Obligations

The type of material used to build the deck can significantly affect how homeowners must maintain it. Many  wood deck composites  and synthetic materials are designed to be easy to clean and require no treatments to maintain color and condition. Solid wood options tend to look more authentic but demand periodic sanding, staining, or resealing.

Decks usually last 10-25 years, depending on the materials and upkeep. As a general rule, less-expensive options tend to break down more quickly. Some products are rated to last longer. This often presumes excellent care, moderate use, and mild weather.

There are many reasons a home owner might choose to install a deck, including convenience and greater use of the property. By considering these aspects, people can determine if now is the right time for deck installation.

4 Smart Devices to Upgrade Your Home

Buyers love seeing  homes that have upgrades , whether it’s a brand-new gas stove or a thermostat that can be adjusted from their desk at work. Smart devices have become more popular over the years, and they’re on track to continue that rise as new devices are released. Installing smart technology in a home can be a great way to appeal to home buyers. However, with so many types to choose from, it can be difficult for some homeowners to decide what to install in their homes. Because of that, here are some of the most popular smart devices for homes.

Smart Thermostats

One of the most popular smart devices to add to a home is a  smart thermostat . These thermostats take the place of the old one and provide users with more options than they had before. Smart thermostats are convenient for homeowners because they can be accessed with an app via smartphone or tablet. The app allows homeowners to access their thermostat from anywhere, so they can turn the air conditioning off if they forgot to do so before leaving for work. Smart thermostats also learn the user’s schedule and will automatically adjust based on it. This helps them save energy, which also reduces the cost of utilities.

Smart Security Alarms

Many people like knowing that their home has extra protection, and security alarms fill that need in many cases. There are several types of security alarms that homeowners can use, but smart ones will notify a homeowner directly if it senses something has changed. Sensors can be placed on windows or doors and sound an alarm when they open to scare off any would-be intruders. Sensors like these are relatively inexpensive, but they can provide homeowners with a lot of extra protection and make them feel more secure in their home.

Smart Locks

Many people haven’t heard of smart locks, but they can be helpful for many homeowners. Most smart locks replace the doorknob on a home’s front door. There are several ways a smart lock can operate, but two of the more common ones are using a fingerprint or numeric code to access a housekey or to unlock the door itself. Smart locks that can scan a fingerprint can also typically store a number of fingerprints, so everyone who lives in the home is able to use it. Smart locks can also be used to allow another family member or trusted friend access to the home without giving them their own key.

Smart Garage Doors

In the same vein as smart locks are smart garage doors. Smart garage doors can be helpful for homeowners because they remove the need for the remote controls that can often be finicky and not work properly. When a smart garage door senses that the homeowner’s car is s within a certain distance to the home, it will automatically open to allow them entrance. Some smart garage doors also let the homeowner manually open it through an app, which can be helpful for letting someone into the home from far away.

Smart devices are fun additions to homes that can also act as a wow factor that draws buyers in. With technology changing so rapidly, many buyers like to see that homeowners are keeping up with the trends by using smart technology in their homes.

4 Energy-Efficient Upgrades Every Home Should Have

Homeowners who want to save money on their energy bills may want to make some energy-efficient upgrades to their home. Energy-efficient home upgrades can be an easy way to reduce costs and reduce the home’s carbon footprint, which is important to anyone who is trying to live a greener life. There are many options homeowners have when it comes to green upgrades. From the lights that illuminate the home to the appliances homeowners rely on, here are some of the best energy-efficient upgrades a homeowner can have in their home.

Energy Star Appliances

Refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, ovens, and more are all great choices when it comes to energy-efficient appliances. It’s easy to choose an appropriate appliance, because appliances that meet certain standards of energy use will be given an Energy Star logo. Anything that features this logo has been tested, and  the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decides  which appliances are allowed to use their logo. The Energy Star label was created to help lower greenhouse gas emissions from household appliances and make it easier for homeowners to seek out and purchase these greener appliances, so homeowners should always look out for the star when buying a new washing machine or refrigerator.

Smart Thermostats

Nearly every home uses a thermostat to control how hot or cold it is inside, but in recent years, smart thermostats have become more popular. Smart thermostats offer several advantages over traditional thermostats; for instance, a smart thermostat can be accessed from any  smart device , such as a smartphone or tablet, and adjusted from anywhere in the world, whether that be on another continent or simply at work. A smart thermostat can also learn the schedule of the home and will automatically adjust itself. For example, if the homeowner wakes up everyday at 7 a.m. and turns the temperature up three degrees, it will learn to do that on its own. Alternatively, smart thermostats can simply be programmed to do that from the very beginning.

Dual-Flush Toilets

Many people don’t realize how much water the average toilet uses. Older toilets made before the 1980s often use 5-7 gallons of water per flush, while newer models can use around 3.5 gallons per flush. Over time, toilets have started using less and less water, and now there are dual-flush toilets that give users two options for how they want to flush: a small flush for liquid waste that uses .8 gallons or a larger flush for solid waste that uses 1.6 gallons. One of these toilets can significantly lower the amount of water wasted in a home, especially if the homeowner is upgrading from an old toilet.

Multi-Pane Windows

Traditionally, windows have been made with just a single pane of glass separating the home’s interior from the outside world. However, just one pane of glass doesn’t insulate a home very well, and it can cause a home to be colder in the winter and hotter in the summer, and that can also make it much more expensive to heat and cool the home. In order to help prevent the loss of energy, homeowners can install multi-pane windows. Dual-pane windows are the most commonly seen, but homeowners can also choose triple-pane windows, which are more expensive but are also more effective.

Energy-efficient installations can be a great way both to help take care of the earth and also save money on utility bills. These are just some of the great upgrades a homeowner can choose from, but there are energy-efficient alternatives for nearly everything; it’s just a matter of seeking them out.

When Should You DIY a Home Improvement Project & When Should You Hire a Contractor?

Many homeowners like to save money by performing home improvements or repairs themselves. While this can cut labor costs dramatically, it is not always the most appropriate choice. Handy homeowners who have skill or experience with a particular job may already know what to do, which saves them time as well as money. On the other hand, going into a project with little knowledge can result in damage or repairs that cost more than hiring a professional to do it in the first place. With this information, homeowners will know the key factors to consider as they make a decision.

1. Skill

In order to successfully complete a DIY project, homeowners should have a certain baseline level of skill. This does not always translate from one project to another. For example, a homeowner who has laid vinyl flooring may not necessarily know what to do to lay tile or carpet. The ability to evaluate each step and be able to perform it correctly is crucial to the project’s success and may require a variety of skills and the use of equipment. People who do not even know where to start are probably better off hiring a professional.

2. Experience

Although skill and experience are related, they are not exactly the same thing. Homeowners may not have experience in the project in question, and that may affect whether they can complete it. Sometimes, related experience can give people a knowledge base from which to figure out each task. For example, someone who knows how to assemble furniture may be able to extend their knowledge into assembling cabinetry kits. Homeowners whose DIY experience is very limited or unrelated to the project at hand might need to decide if they are willing to make some mistakes along the way as they learn.

3. Time

Because homeowners tend to have less skill, experience, and access to equipment as professionals, it makes sense that the project will take longer. For someone who has a lot of spare time and an interest in developing knowledge, this may not be an important factor. For people who are in a hurry or who do not have extra time to dedicate, delays may be the most important factor. As a general rule, professionals will take the least amount of time from start to finish. This minimizes impact to the rest of the household as well.

4. Commitment

Before deciding to take on a project, homeowners need to evaluate whether they are ready and willing to make this kind of commitment. Some people are very ambitious and dedicated and have a high likelihood of finishing every project they start. Others may have interest that outweighs their commitment, which increases the chances that the project may get started but never completed. In that case, homeowners may prefer to hire a professional to ensure that the project will be finished according to the general plan.

5. Risk

Ultimately, having a person who lacks a high level of skill and experience in the project will increase the risk. While many people think of risk in terms of physical danger, there are multiple concerns that homeowners should consider before they take on a DIY project. Tasks that are more dangerous may be better left to a professional. These include:

  • Replacing a roof
  •  Upgrading an electrical panel 
  • Installing HVAC equipment

Projects with low risk, that people feel all right about investing extra to make repairs, may be better candidates for DIY. If homeowners need the job done correctly the first time, they might prefer the reassurance of hiring a contractor.

There are times when homeowners can do a project themselves, but there are cases when they really should  hire a contractor . By evaluating these factors for each project, people can be confident they made the right decision.

4 Types of Home Security Systems

When homeowners are searching for a home security system to protect their home, they will find the benefits and differences of each type of system. Here is a description of four common home security systems to help homeowners choose the best one for their home and their budget.

Wired Systems

This is a common type of home security system, where all the components connect to a low-voltage alarm panel through wiring in the walls of the home. A small beep will sound whenever a door or window is opened in the home. Those who wish to purchase a wired system should be prepared to  hire a professional  to help with installation. Once the system is installed, it is very difficult to remove due to the wires. This kind of alarm system is best installed into a large home in order to monitor the entry points of the entire house.

Wireless Systems

As the name suggests, wireless systems don’t use any wires; instead, each component communicates with the others through a wireless signal. Though wireless systems are more expensive than their wires counterpart, wireless systems are easy to purchase and install, and there are many options for what other systems can be incorporated, such as carbon monoxide detectors and fire alarms. However, the wireless components of this system can only communicate with one another over a limited distance, and large objects in the way can cause interference. Additionally, these systems are battery-powered, so the batteries will need to be changed manually. That said, it is very easy to uninstall and move this system if needed.

Monitored Systems

Monitored systems connect homes to a person who monitors the alarm system for added security. These systems are company-monitored by a call center that will contact the appropriate authorities when the alarm is triggered. A company-monitored system takes care of contacting authorities for homeowners when they aren’t at home to do it themselves. However, homeowners will need to engage a company-monitored alarm system manually when they leave the house or go to sleep. Additionally, if the homeowner accidentally trigger the alarm themselves, they will need to contact the company as soon as possible before the company calls the authorities. Some monitoring companies will try to contact the homeowner to confirm if there’s an intruder, but not all will.

Unmonitored Systems

Unmonitored systems sound a loud siren when the alarm is tripped to scare away intruders. Some unmonitored systems include an app that is compatible with most smartphones, and it provides the information the security system is sensing. This way, the homeowner will be the first person to know if someone has broken into their home. If they aren’t home and don’t have the app, however, the sound of the siren should be loud enough to alert neighbors to contact local authorities. These systems are the most cost-effective on this list, especially given that many are wireless.

Which System Is Best for Me?

As mentioned, every alarm system is different. A wireless alarm is effective for someone renting an apartment, as it’s affordable and only needs to cover a small area. Many homeowners with larger homes prefer a wired, monitored system to ensure that they and their belongings are safe. It’s important to consider the size of the home in addition to the budget for an alarm system.